My hair changes colour more often than it stays the same. I talk about social issues that need talking about, but sometimes I get angry and talk about other things too. I tweet too, but in a lot less space:!/mnchameleon

15 January 2010

Who knew Haiti's tragedy held so much treasure?

I think the idea of fund-raising for Haiti- through a student group- so you can show how you're not 'heartless bastards' is despicable. I wish there were a word stronger than despicable that I felt was adequate, that is how FURIOUS I am.

At least when I was on the board we didn't gloat or seek out anyone with the two grand we gave away. We just did it because that was what we decided we were going to do with the money. It got asked about on a radio show for atheists, but that was it, the only press about it. But this?

Haiti relief! Let's find a secular org that's taking donations - I know center for inquiry is doing something, tons of groups/orgs are. Let's get on the train eh? ... [Name redacted], want to find some organizations for this? It's great PR! Also, we could easily get the Daily to write about it ... I'm all for cutting a few big checks here, but we should try to get a little publicity too. Y'know, we're not all heartless bastards and such.

This makes my blood BOIL. The first part? AWESOME. Let's find some organisations, let's donate, let's realise this is about 3 million people whose lives were already pretty shite to begin with. Let's realise this is about the need for clothing, for shelter, for preventing disease, for fucking clean water. Let's realise this has nothing to do with us, not even a little bit.

The second part? And the third part? OH HALE NO! You should not make this about YOU and your fucking precious UNIVERSITY ORGANISATION. NOT ONE FUCKING WHIT. If ANY media approach you without you pursuing them and want to talk to your organisation? Fine, I understand the human interest appeal of well-off, extremely privileged, mostly white kids giving to a nation of 80% poverty who are suffering and who have suffered natural disaster after natural disaster.

But to seek it out yourself makes you vain, it makes you vapid, it makes you vacuous! It does not make you look like compassionate people moved by the HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, BEYOND-WORDS TRAGEDY that has befallen a poor, impoverished nation. It does not make you look like you're an intelligent group of people, like you so desperately want to be. How pathetic do you have to be to want to seek gain from this? Not monetary gain, no, but still a gain. You want to prove to the world that atheists aren't heartless bastards? Stop mocking the quiet faith of people, start reaching across the table and working with religious communities, and for the love of everything that can be held dear to someone's heart, give money and don't shout it from the rooftops.

This is beyond disgusting, and beyond redemption. I am washing my hands, and I am DONE. I will NOT attach myself to these people. I refuse.

And if there is even a HINT that ANY publicity was sought after, I will rain whatever hellfire I can upon this organisation. There are few things in the world I despise more than anyone trying to make a GAIN off of terrible tragedy. Gain off of thousands and thousands dead and three million affected. GAIN. Who thinks that could possibly, EVER, be okay?

So bring it, bitches. Try me. I dare you.